Sunday, June 7, 2009

Abortion Legal or Illegal

In class we had a discussion about abortion and if it should be legal or not. Personally I think it should be legal but only up to the women.

I think this because women are the ones that are going to be taking care of it and feeling the affects of having a baby for the next 9 months. The men don’t have to worry about anything for those 9 months so the decision should not be up to them.

If the woman decides to keep the baby, the woman and the man should be able to take care of it, or if not they should be able to provide the baby with a loving family by giving the child up for adoption.

I also believe before the woman decides to abort their child they should go through some type of therapy before, just so they realize and know what they are doing. So basically they get some type of good information before they make this big decision in their life.

So to conclude abortions should be legal but only up to women and they must get some type of therapy before they make their decision.

age majority

In class we discussed if our government should lower age majority and I think we should.

I really don’t see a point to age limit for example I don’t see the difference between me being able to vote now or me able to vote a couple years ago. There is only some teenagers that know a lot about Canadian government, personally I don’t know anything about the Canadian government I just found out who our prime minister was last semester. Id rather vote in America because their government is more interesting for me and I know a lot more about the American government than Canadian. Some tweens know more about the Canadian government than teenagers or people that are able to vote.

The age limit for drinking makes no sense to me at all because no matter your age if you really want to drink there is so many ways that you can get that drink with out going to the store. I also don’t see how at 18 I am not major enough to drink but one year later my majority grows so much that I should be allowed to drink. But at 18 I can go to war but am still not allowed to drink or smoke cigarettes.

The only thing that should stay the same for age is crime. Even though if a teen, tween or child commits a crime and some might know what they were doing they should still be committed for the age because they could change by the time they come of age and their record will go away. The only time the crime age should not matter is when the crime is extremely serious.

To conclude I don’t think that age limit is necessary in our country for anything really.

school uniforms

In class we had a discussion about school uniforms. I believe that school uniforms should be mandatory.

I think this because school uniforms are a lot easier than everyday clothes. First of all it will cut down on a lot of lateness or should cut down lateness because in the morning it shouldn’t take students a long time to get ready because they wear the same thing everyday. It cut downs on some gossiping. Students judge other students on their clothes and shoes but if we all wear the same clothes that will be cut down big time.

Yes uniforms maybe a bit expensive but you only have to buy them once every two years or maybe less but I don’t think more it really all depends on when the student reaches their growth spurt. Also it gets our students ready for the working world because when you work at a job as a teenager you cannot wear what ever you want to work, you have to look professional and the same as your workers.

To conclude I think that every school should have uniforms. It will be a lot easier in the morning.

Case Study: Redefining Aging

Questions 1-4

1) According to the article, what attitude shift is occurring with respect to aging?

The attitude shift that is occurring with respect to aging is that we should forget about getting old as a problem. The new attitude is to accept the aging process.

2) Why do some of the experts cited believe this attitude shift is important?

The experts believe this is important because by the time we are 6 years old we develop bad stereotypes about old age. We believe when you get older your memory will fail.

3) What do we stand to lose if we do not change our attitude toward aging?

If we don’t change our attitude we develop age, rage and degrade ourselves.

4) What potential benefits might arise from this attitude shift?

If we forget about old age beliefs and grow and become we will become better people

Case Study- Demographer David Foot on Health Care for the Future

Questions 1-3
1) What impact does David Foot believe the aging baby boom generation will have on health care in communities such as Toronto?
Aging baby boomers will have a huge impact on hospitals. When the aging baby boomers start having health issues, new hospitals will have to be built which means more nurses and doctors because we wont be able to fit all of them in the already established hospitals. The
2) What solutions does he purpose to deal with these issues?
His solution is to combine all the aspects of health care together: doctors, health care workers all under one budget. The health care organization will get a certain amount of money from each person based on age and how sick they are.
3) Do you agree with his predictions and solutions? Explain why or why not?
I think that this could be good and bad in some situation. For example people would have to learn to take care of their bodies a lot better so they would have more money in their pocket. This could be bad because not every one can afford health care or insurance which will make more poor and sick people.

Sick - O

The movie sick-o was a documentary talking about health care. Michael Moore travels to different countries to compare their health care with Americas. In America they don’t have free health care and if you cant not pay for your medicine or surgery, the hospital stops caring for you and kicks you out. Basically if you are poor and sick the chances of you dying are quite high, but if your able to pay for your hospital bill you will get taken care of.

He traveled to France and found out that they have free health care for anything or any type of sickness even received his money back for parking after leaving the hospital. Cuba also has great free health care. Prisoners in Cuba get treated well if they are sick and they have a lot better chance of surviving, no matter if they are poor or rich, than poor Americans that can not even afford a yearly check up.

Personally I don’t think this is well because if you are in some serious need for medication or a check up, but you cant afford it you shouldn’t have to die. Yes I know that when people pay more taxes for free health care, some people hate the fact that they are paying more taxes for some one that is not even working or in their family but what they don’t understand is that anything could happen at anytime. For example if they lost their job and became extremely poor and sick and cant afford check ups they would understand how it feels not to have free health care.

So to conclude I think that every country in the world should have free health care for the better of every society.

teenage drinking

I think that there should be no age for drinking because the age limit doesn’t seem to work anyways. Right now the drinking age is at 19 but there is people in grade 9 or even grade 6 that already drink. Children and teenagers don’t like having to obey rules and the more rules or restrictions you give them the more they are going to want to rebel. So if the government should just make it legal for any age like Cuba or Amsterdam. Amsterdam has legalized marijuana and other drugs and they don’t seem to have a huge drug issue or drinking issue.

If we lower the age limit, to like 15 even, teenagers and preteens will start even younger. If we raise the limit to 21 like in the states, there is going to be more under age drinking because if they are 18 or 19 they would just say “oh am only 2 years away what is the difference going to be between now and later”.

So personally I really don’t see a point of the age limit for drinking because it simply doesn’t work. Cops are just wasting there time trying to find kids underage drinking, when they can be doing something more important.